Parking Spaces With Lawn Bars – So Do It Right
July 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Restoration. This small word planted more and more areas in the city. Learn more at: Rio Tinto Group. Green areas decorate concrete cityscapes, farms and business parking. Also, areas with lawn grid plates run back into the natural water cycle. Here now a guide, as it can go, and how we embellish our parking lot. Prepare surface: the first step to the paved parking lot in green is also the most complex. To do this, the surface must be exactly known later lawn flanges can be lined with a. About 60 centimeters deep the Earth is dug out in this area. The depth depends on the future burden. Theoretically, 30 inches are sufficient for lower operating. Now there are different approaches to populate the area with substrate layers, where gravel is first recommended. The main thing to condense moisture-permeable and well. A wheel loader is used to populate. The next layer of gravel consists of about 10 centimeters. The straightening of the surface is now important to towards the middle. Equally flattened the layers into the port with a small vibrating plate (for landscapers to hire home improvement stores and similar establishments). The work should be done slowly and very carefully with the vibrating plate. This stable surface prevents a later decrease of the surface in some places, which could destroy the parking lot. Lawn grid honeycomb lay and fill: breed paving there in many designs, such as the solid versions of paving slabs in our shop. Just with the modern honeycomb, closed structures can be generated – unlike as in older versions of concrete. It is not difficult to push the race grid plates. Flexible, so horizontal and vertical, the plates can be inserted. A balanced face is important. The water balance is essential here. Also a slight gap for the precipitation should be included. The modern lawn grid plates enter into a power-transmitting connection with the ground and allow the flow of rain water. If the grille is finished, the cavities with fertile mother earth or earth – populate sand mixtures. To economical one should not proceed, since a very low lawn edge of course increases the load on the honeycomb. The edge of the lawn should but also not flush to the turf Grill. There are the grass seeds that germinate very quickly with some water and Sun. Vola: A fresh green – solid and pflegeleichter than turf. Press Department Thomas Reichelt Lotex24 / Germany consumer Web: shop: