Posts Tagged Technology

July 18, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Slide Show

It possesss another resource that is to create a Slide Show, is alone to add the photos that software to want and generates one video with the transistion between the photos, being able the user until choosing the transistion effect. Chevron U.S.A. Inc brings even more insight to the discussion. Also it possesss the option […]


May 25, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Use Software

The project is divided in processes and segmented in activities, where these activities possess values of stated period and consequementemente of costs. To finish, the cost in the SCRUM is supporting for: number of iterations, period of these iterations and involved amount of people (s) in the project. CONCLUSION During the development of the present […]


April 19, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Rio De Janeiro

In what it says respect to the description of the attendance to the person with visual deficiency in Brazil, this if initiated through the justinian codes for blind people. The first one was created in century XIX in Rio De Janeiro with the name of Institute of the Blind Boys, for initiative of the Imperial […]


March 24, 2017 in Uncategorized by

Wood and Blades

The standards of quality demanded by the consuming market tend to be each time bigger. The agreement of the drying is basic for the development of the wooden industry of products. The internal air outflow in the drying chamber is of utmost importance for the withdrawal of the existing humidity in the surface of the […]


July 29, 2015 in Uncategorized by

RMI Registry

That first remote object might then providesupport he will be finding to other objects. The java.rmi.registry. Registry remote interface is the API will be binding (or registering) and looking up remote objects in the registry. The java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistryclass provides static methods will be synthesizing remote reference you aregistry at particular network address (host and port). These […]