Posts Tagged art and science

June 20, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Average Age Trends

Already the imperial one waved in its context a elitizado educational system that prioritized only the social classes. Of form that the popular classrooms time not to participate of this educational and social space. With sight to this confusion of ideas and information the republican period of the impulse to the movement of pioneering groups […]


August 27, 2018 in Uncategorized by

Incriado Creator

IF IT DOES NOT DIMINISH the man bred to the Image and Similarity of the Universal GOD cannot be exceeded by a simple machine. It will be that the Human being is leaving of human being alone because made some implantations? THIS ALREADY EXISTED Then, Mr. Deus made to fall heavy sleep on the man, […]


April 24, 2014 in Uncategorized by

Sanitary Reformation

Two types of treatment for the chagsico, specific (against the parasite) and the symptomatic one exist (against the manifestations of the illness). In those chronic individuals in the indetermined form, the specific treatment can eventually provide to benefit, minimizing the delayed evolution of the illness in certain cases, exactly without the attainment of parasitolgica cure. […]

Moreira Industry

November 13, 2013 in Uncategorized by

Moreira Industry

Hypothesis – the qualification is important to raise the productivity, but it is not the only form. The productivity has a direct relation with the capacity installed in industry 1.3. Justification 1.3.1. Importance With the qualification of the new employees, the industry will have conditions to increase its productive capacity and thus to take care […]