Posts Tagged education

July 14, 2019 in Uncategorized by


As Pink Grandson (2002) the psicomotricidade has narrow association with development of the motricidade, intelligence and the affectivity. This involves the aspects: fine motricidade, global motricidade, balance, corporal project, space organization, secular organization and lateralidade. Aspects of the psicomotricidade: The fine motricidade understands the visuomanual coordination, is present in the act to catch an object […]


November 18, 2015 in Uncategorized by

Electric Engineering

Thus the interest of the professor in knowing, evaluating and to apply the technologies is essential for the qualitative advance of the resources for the education. The Gcompris is a great educational tool, had its usability and easiness of being used by the pupil, therefore disponibiliza a fan of activities that takes care of the […]


July 17, 2014 in Uncategorized by

Logical Epstemologia

In the field educational, the practical institucional psicopedaggica evidences that the classroom is a privileged space in the perspective of ‘ ‘ construction of the authorship of the thought and the autonomy of sujeito’ ‘. The beddings of the piagetiana theory studied by Goulart (1993), Garakis (1998) and other authors, using themselves the concepts of […]


November 10, 2013 in Uncategorized by

Infantile Education

This research aims at to transform traditional methods contained into the school leading the professors to participate of research, practical pedagogical, innovations so that its lessons if become more creative and productive. The objective is of assisting in the overcoming of the failure pertaining to school in relation to the reading, therefore it gives credit […]


May 28, 2013 in Uncategorized by

Cold War

In the publication of its article MOREIRA, it cites on the Real initiates of the EAD: The Education in the distance – EAD started in century XV, when Johannes Guttenberg, in Mogncia, Germany, invented the press, with composition of words with mobile characters. With the creation, one became unnecessary to go to schools to attend […]