Posts Tagged environment

May 27, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Industrial Process

It works mind topresent potencializing and minimizing procedures will be the environmental impactsresulted of the STS’ s fisicals and biologicals you process, wich should beunderstood the industrial process. The importance of it’ local s environmentalperformance has repercussions, involving soil, to air and body of to water thatreceives the treated efluent, because it you involve one […]


October 14, 2018 in Uncategorized by


the high consumption of natural resources for production of bovine meat that it consists of a small whim in our diet, however a great impact in our environment. Research points with respect to an explosive per capita increase in the consumption of meat in the vegetable place, and is esteem that up to 2020 this […]


August 22, 2018 in Uncategorized by

Final Judgment

Expensive friends of day: At this moment where they start if to intensify the climatic phenomena of wide scale, as already we had foreseen that it would happen in 2008, the moment is of deep reflection on which way we will have to follow. Already we said that in 2008 the Global Heating left of […]


June 20, 2017 in Uncategorized by

Planet Land – The Well Biggest One

Planet land: A well bigger our planet is the well most precious one of all, without it as it is that we go to live, without air, water, land is impossible. But unhappyly it is being destroyed, and is exactly for who more necessary of it. The man. A great example of what it is […]


June 11, 2016 in Uncategorized by

Symbolic Relations

In this sentidono it is possible to establish an unilateral determination between the two elements. Porconseguinte, to study the interface society – nature, in the perspective to deexplicar the relationships between these two domnios of the reality, to requerreconhecer that the ambient question has a paper important in the direction to dereorientar new relations of […]


December 26, 2013 in Uncategorized by

Los Angeles

Already in 1989, twenty years later, the studies carried through in the seismic abalos of that region had shown that the State of California could be if separating of the American Continent, what makes in them to conjecture in our transcendentais divagaes the trplice assumption in relation to the future destination of that littoral band: […]


November 18, 2013 in Uncategorized by


More adverse the ambient problems are each time, therefore nowadays it is essential to find solutions that they minimize or sacie such negative impacts. The wastefulness of substance and energy, the improper use of the ground and the sources must be banished of the development models. To solve the crisis habitacional also is in primordial […]