Posts Tagged other-articles

September 11, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Angeologia El Ngel Vasariah

Kinds of Los Angeles from God: angel Dominaciones.Regencia: from 29 August to 2 of Septiembre.Se situated in the area of Hesed and works matters related to the Yesod.Nombre of Los Angeles area: God JustoEsencia of the Angel: Justice Angel Clemente.Planeta: JupiterHoroscopo angeles: Virgo.Atributo: when speaking of Merciful Justice refers to the high or absolute concept […]


August 31, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Angeologia El Ngel Daniel

Kinds of Los Angeles from God: principalities.Regency of the angel: from November 28 to December 2.It is situated in the area of Netzah and works matters relating with the sphere of Binah.Name of Los Angeles: sign of the essence of the Angel mercies: eloquence.Planet of the Angel: Angels Venus Horoscope: Sagittarius.Attribute: This Principality, helps us […]


August 12, 2019 in Uncategorized by

Ngel Ariel

Kinds of Los Angeles from God: virtues.Regency of the angel: from 8 to 12 November lies on the sphere of Tiphereth and works matters related to Netzah sphere.Name of Los Angeles: God revealing essence of Angel: revealing perceptions.;Planet of the Angel: Sun Angels Horoscope: Scorpio.Attribute: This virtue, brings us the blessing of the Almighty. Which […]


October 21, 2013 in Uncategorized by


At the wedding invitations are vital. Obviously play a key role: do know people who interest us, we got married, when and where to celebrate it. The style of those cards we gave children to our children’s Festival. It has, therefore, a communicative function. But things aren’t all that simple. Today, there is a ritual […]