New Students Profile

January 30, 2014 | Uncategorized

In the year of 2009, differently of what it occurred in years of 2006, a 2007 and 2008, when majority of the students that participated of the Program was of the masculine sex, of a total of 92 students whom they had answered to the questionnaire, 50 is of the feminine sex and 42 are of the masculine sex, therefore relatively equitable distribution enters the enrolled students how much to the sex, as it can be observed in graph 1, presented to follow. GRAPH 1 Sex of the participant students of the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation Year of 2009 Source: Direct research – 2009. How much to the racial auto-attribution, if to add the percentages of that if they had classified as medium brown and black, is observed that the majority, that is, 58.7% of the students who had answered to the questionnaire they are afrodescendentes. The percentage of that if they consider whites is of 41,3%. Thus, as it affirms Oak (2005, p.78): (…) the apia racial classification in such a way in the appearance (characteristic fenotpicas, as color of the skin or the type of hair) and in the ancestry, how much in the socioeconmico status of the person.

GRAPH 2 racial Auto-attribution of the participant students of the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation Year of 2009 Source: Direct research – 2009. How much to the etrias bands of the students who participate of the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation, presented in table 1, it is observed that 26% of the total of that they had answered to the questionnaire they have age between 6 and 8 years, therefore, below of the minimum age for participation in the Program that is of 10 years. The biggest joined frequency is of 42 students, whose etria band is of 9 the 11 years.


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