Marista Institute Pupils
January 17, 2013 | Uncategorized
The work of the maristas was if developing fluentemente with a number of pupils each time bigger, and same functioning later as gymnasium, with capacity to still shelter a bigger amount of people, the brothers and families of the alunado one were not satisfied with its localization, wanted a more central place of the city. With intention to take care of the claims of these families, in 15 of January of 1914, she inaugurates yourself in Crosspiece 14 of March, in the quarter of Nazar, the Institute Ours Mrs. of Nazareth, with 40 registered pupils, under the direction of Ir. Eloy, assisted for the brothers Enrique and Bernardine Odilon. In 1915, the Institute gains new address, passing to be located in a building rented in the Av. Nazar n 81, had the great increase of the number of pupils, beyond having in its teaching picture some laypeople as: the Dr. Helidoro de Brito; Dr.
Themistocles Arajo and the Dr. Antonio Amaral Brazil Oak. With the time, the Maristas Brothers had been acquiring some property. In 1921, he had the acquisition of new headquarters, situated in the Av. Nazar n 98 (To go. Pablo Oddes); in 1923 Ir. Flamien assistant purchase some lands, that later will go definitively to give place to the Marista Institute. In 12 of April of 1928, the Nazareth Institute and the Gymnasium of the Carmo commemorate the festejos of the 25 years of the marista presence north of Brazil.
In 15 of August of this exactly year, it is initiated definitive construction of the Institute, areas of the old Club Recreativa Par Club and of acquired lands of the Av. Nazar, being concluded the workmanship one year and way later. With the inauguration of the new headquarters, the Gymnasium of the Carmo was delivers for the Salesiana Congregation in 1929-1930. Then Apartir initiates a new history, that if perpetuates to the 77 years, the College Salesiano N S of the Carmo it passes then to exist.