November 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
More adverse the ambient problems are each time, therefore nowadays it is essential to find solutions that they minimize or sacie such negative impacts. The wastefulness of substance and energy, the improper use of the ground and the sources must be banished of the development models. To solve the crisis habitacional also is in primordial plans, however its reply if it does not limit only to the production of housings and reduction in price of costs of the constructions, but yes to face socioeconmicos factors as the economic exploration, the cultural abandonment, agrarian reform among others. We hear much speech in ' ' deficit habitacional' ' what it leads in to conclude them an incapacity in offers of habitations, however what occurs is the difficulty of the side of the search, therefore if it had market with possibility to buy proper houses, evidentimente we do not teriamos a population so vulneralvel the grace of daily disasters and without the minimum condition of comfort. It is essential that the cities have an effective urban planning, independently of its transport, and create conditions to assure quality of life to the inhabitants, not intervening negative with the environment of its entorno, and acting preventively to prevent the continuity of the degradation level, notadamente in the regions inhabited for the sectors most devoid. Still little adhered in Brazil, the concept of sustainable construction comes justifying its importance, in a sector where the beginning if of the one in the extration of the natural resources, that are carried in great distances, manufactured and applied to the workmanships where the wastefulness of resources is alarming. According to research of the Department of Engineering of construction of the USP, the civil construction wastes average of 56% of the cement, 44% of the sand, 30% of plaster, 27% of conductors and 15% of the PVC pipes and electro ducts.