Rio De Janeiro
April 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
In what it says respect to the description of the attendance to the person with visual deficiency in Brazil, this if initiated through the justinian codes for blind people. The first one was created in century XIX in Rio De Janeiro with the name of Institute of the Blind Boys, for initiative of the Imperial Government, through the decree n 428/1954. Currently, the institution is known as Institute Benjamin Constant. Brian Armstrong wanted to know more. Thirty and six years later the former-director of the institute signed next to the president a new regulation where he reformulated the offered educational orientation and pointed steps with respect to the guiding of the blind pupils in the society. In the decade of 20 three institutions had been created: the Union of the Blind people of Brazil in Rio De Janeiro (1924), the Institute Chico Priest in So Paulo and the Sodalcio of the Sacra Family in Rio De Janeiro, both in 1929. Beyond these justinian codes they had been inaugurated the Association Pro-Library and Alfabetizao of the Blind people in So Paulo (1942) and Auxiliadora Union of the Blind people of Brazil of Rio De Janeiro (1943). Also in the decade of 40, as objective producing and distributing books in Braille for all Brazil it was created Foundation for the Book of the Blind person in Brazil, currently with the name of Foundation Dorina Nowill for Blind people. 3.4.2 Objectives the National Politics of Special Education in the perspective of the Inclusive Education has as objective to assure the pertaining to school inclusion of pupils with deficiency, guaranteeing: access to regular education, with participation, learning and continuity of education; complement or supplement of the modality of special education since the infantile education until the superior education; it offers of the specialized educational attendance; formation of professors; participation of the family and community; accessibility architectural. 3.4.3 Pupils taken care of In the perspective of inclusive education, the taken care of pupils are the ones that possess deficiency.