Infantile Education
November 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
This research aims at to transform traditional methods contained into the school leading the professors to participate of research, practical pedagogical, innovations so that its lessons if become more creative and productive. The objective is of assisting in the overcoming of the failure pertaining to school in relation to the reading, therefore it gives credit the possibility of success of all the children, independent of race or sort. To place the child next to a book is our duty, therefore the reading also assists in its proper identity and to instrumentalizar for a bigger agreement of the world. Through this vision, the pupil starts to be considered the main center of the production of knowledge in the school and, therefore, it must be stimulated to go beyond the memorization, needs to search the pleasure in the discoveries, the practical formularizations and the experimental ones. According to Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the national education, in its article 3, one of the principles of education is to guarantee the equality of conditions for access permanence in the school. Therefore, if to relate the game, the child will explore its emotional and sensible reactions through the playful one, therefore the real world to the times can shock without oportunizar this exploration of feelings and reactions, as the fancy of a lived estria or a trick. Infantile literature search for the eyes of the child and is capable of lev to other worlds and to give life to its dreams. The reading is the way of the espontaneidade, of the search and of the pleasure, being able still to create a habit in significant way inside and outside of the school, through this, it exerts a pedagogical and educational influence on the individual. Words Key: Practical, pedagogical, innovations, Reading, Learning.