Logical Epstemologia

July 17, 2014 | Uncategorized

In the field educational, the practical institucional psicopedaggica evidences that the classroom is a privileged space in the perspective of ‘ ‘ construction of the authorship of the thought and the autonomy of sujeito’ ‘. The beddings of the piagetiana theory studied by Goulart (1993), Garakis (1998) and other authors, using themselves the concepts of Biology, Genetic and Logical Epstemologia, show that the gradual development of the intellectual structures of the individual becomes it capable to learn and that its knowledge is fruit of its interaction with the way, being to the game a very important resource for the cognitivo development of the child, which assumes different values in definitive phases of its life, whose learning, if adequately organized, she results in mental development. In accordance with this conceptualization, when the individual still is a baby the game is only one exercise. Its action is automatic and needs the object to imitate. The use of the proper body is determinative in this phase, plays with the hands, with the feet, the acts they are repetitive. To the measure that goes growing, for return of the two to the seven years, it starts to make greater use of the language. Thus, the child goes learning to imitate without model and there the symbolic game, the use of the fancy, the magician, the fiction, the dramatizao starts. In this phase, the world of the child is a playful world, of the imaginary one, ‘ ‘ as if fosse’ ‘ , or of ‘ ‘ it makes of conta’ ‘. When the child arrives for return of the seven years reaches a more practical phase of the thought, observes itself that the same one already answers the regrados games, what means the subordination to a rule where all must obey.


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