Terra Being

September 1, 2018 | Uncategorized

He did not have protests – in part due to the strong project of seguranamontado by the Chinese authorities in the region – but the tone of the speech of the leader spiritual of Tibet it surprised for the virulence. It accused Pequim with ‘ ‘ genocide cultural’ ‘ to transform Tibet into ‘ ‘ a hell on the Terra’ ‘. They had been strong words of alhm that chins.10 of March gained the world-wide respect when opting to the not-violence in its fight against the domain – many users had been some hours without being able acession the Gmail, the gratuitous email of the Google. The company knows how much valley its image – for the time being, much. Therefore soon she freed an official notice saying to have conscience of as the service is basic for the people and that its team technique was working quickly to solve the problem. She was not the first time. The Gmail left air in seven occasions in more than six months little.

In the day the 12 of August users had found a message of error when trying to have access its box dispatch by post. The episode entered for the list of the ten greaters panes of the Internet in 2008, elaborated for the site of technology IDG Now. The problem most serious happened between 23 and 24 of February, how much all the 113 million users had been without being able to have access its mensagens.10 of March – divulged that Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) referring to the room trimester of 2008 the same diminished 3.6% in relation to the third trimester of year, the biggest serious jib of the historical one that started in 1996. In relation to the previous year, however, the growth was of 5,1%, arriving the R$ 2,9 trillions.


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