Angeologia El Ngel Vasariah
September 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Kinds of Los Angeles from God: angel Dominaciones.Regencia: from 29 August to 2 of Septiembre.Se situated in the area of Hesed and works matters related to the Yesod.Nombre of Los Angeles area: God JustoEsencia of the Angel: Justice Angel Clemente.Planeta: JupiterHoroscopo angeles: Virgo.Atributo: when speaking of Merciful Justice refers to the high or absolute concept of this. There is no justice if the purpose or objective is not clemency. The essence of this angel serves us so let’s first fair and lenient with ourselves, with our mistakes.Although we acknowledge the mistakes but we can understand that there was a justification that spurred us to mistake.In this justice of Vasariah there is so much goodness and this leads to a piety towards others. Even when influenced by them an instinct for revenge, can appear disappears the moment arrived for its implementation.Domina on Justice (Jurists, magistrates, lawyers), but above all provides nobility in their influence. These are people with a soul Noble.
Also provides memory and ease of speech, kindness, spirituality and modesty, all a direct result of having this noble soul.What gives: protection against those who attack us in justice. Obtain the grace and favor from those who wield power protects everything related to laws, justice, etc. Happy memory and ease to express themselves. Combat the bad qualities of body and soul. Program lesson: Be an example of rectitude and order. PSALM for INVOCARLOPara invoke his strength and power, first prays Psalm or Psalms chosen, then call it by its name and finally performs the specific request you want to make him.Because straight is the word of God, and all his work with made truth.The Angel’s message: Your errors not are for punishment, CLEMENTE and fair first with yourself, it works now. FEELING OF KINDNESS TO THY BRETHREN, TO THEM IN YOUR OWN CLEMENCY AND JUSTICE, ACCORDING TO THE EXAMPLE OF YOUR LORD. If you want more information visit LOS ANGELES source article: Tarot Egyptian original author and source of the Article