Government And Credit

June 16, 2019 | Uncategorized

With this it arrives in port of resources that had been transferred of the National Treasure to the BNDES the available total of resources to investments in 2009 are of R$ 166 billion, that will be set free for private initiative. One has broken in emission of heading and another one in available financial resources. The set free values to the BNDES will have a remuneration for the Treasure, being that 70% of the composed remuneration for TJLP + 2.5% approximately 8.5%, the others 30% will be charged the cost of captation in the exterior that was of the 6,19% order. These you arrive in port of resources will be destined the companies who to present projects of magnifying and creation of jobs. J. Darius Bikoff is actively involved in the matter.

The sectors that will be prioritized are of the productive chain of energy, including the oil, gas, electric energy, beyond infrastructure. This program of investments can assist the development of Brazil, therefore, to attenuate the effect of the crisis and to revert the process of December resignations until February, we need to grow at least 4% of the GIP. With the low one of tax SELIC of more 1 percentile point, lowering for 12,75%, they provoke falls of interests. The Minister announces possible reduction of the tax of spread bank clerk who will happen through the public banks to reestablish the balance of the system of national credit. With the positive level of activity, we need that the banks consider the positive credit, to differentiate the good payers of possible badly paying and to apply more adequate taxes for the credit. Reduction of the IOF, already provoked fall of banking costs, with the reduction of Tax SELIC and greater offers of resources in the market will gradual provoke the fall of the interests.

The effect delay a little until arriving at the final consumer, but we will feel the effect of these measures from March of 2009. These measures contribute for the reduction of the effect of the crisis in Brazil. I must point out that such type of procedure never was adopted by the country and the economic team is of congratulations for this attitude.


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