We Are Mere Describers Or Exmios Creators Of Our Future?

August 23, 2018 | Uncategorized

Until point we have Faith in celebrates Biblical affirmation: ' ' we are the image and similarity of Deus' '? To believe this truth at the same time where we live the days of our life in anxiety situation, fear and smallness is contradictory. If what it was given in them is special, we are happy and tranquilos for what we are and what we inherit? It will be that we really understand the implications of terms to be able received them and capacities of God? What we are capable to carry through with them? If one of the attributes of God is to be creative and us we are to the image and similarity Of it certainly we have this power. It will be that we are exerting our capacity to create the future as well as our Creator is capable? Many of us wake up all the morning thinking in the same way: ' ' There There There! Plus one day! ' '. After that we imagine I transit that it will be pssimo, that we will arrive behind in the work, that we will not have time to make everything that we want, that we will not obtain in dedicating our children enough to them. At last, we feel that we are victims of the reality that in the fence and we can passively only describe our situation and making in them of victims. What not we perceive is that many times our thoughts if materialize. When describing the reality, we are in the truth strengthening it instead of exerting the inherent capacity of our soul – our transcedental dimension – of ' ' Criar' ' the future. Abdul-Bah recommends that we fix our look in the potential of the future: ' ' You do not aim the gift, you fix the look in the coming times.


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