Disputes During His Pontificate

April 24, 2014 | Uncategorized

Like all great personality, Pope John Paul II faced during his pontificate and after his death various disputes both within the Church and in the encounter with the world today. Among the most famous of these disputes were:
Some groups calling for a kind of democratization of the Church, a position that contests the absolute nature of the government citation needed . However, the process inside the church itself is not a democracy but a submission to the same character. Therefore, the church and its members joined the mission ordained to that promise. Any contrary view is an act of division and disruption, to the essence of the mission that takes voluntarily citation needed .
During his pontificate, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) banned the teaching of Catholic theologians like Leonardo Boff, in a successful movement to isolate and neutralize the promoters of the theology of Liberation in Latin America, or Hans K ng, one of the most prominent Catholic theologians labeled as “progressive.” The extensive and working documents of the Congregation stress points that are incompatible with Catholic doctrine.
Other internal criticism from more traditional sectors, especially since the excommunication of the French bishop Marcel Lefebvre, leader of the traditionalist movement known as the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, July 2, 1988, who consecrate four bishops without authorization. Occasion of schism, of course, is in effect the Vatican Council II, since there were many changes with which they had disagreed Lefebvre for having “disturbed” the apostolic tradition of the Church (the rite of the Mass and the sacraments, by example)
John Paul II remained faithful to the rules of sexual morality emanating from the encyclical Humanae Vitae (promulgated by Paul VI in 1968), which has been criticized by some Catholics and condemned the use of contraceptives. This position is attracted criticism from sectors who see it as an obstacle to the fight and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS and birth control in developing countries in particular. However, within its profound ethical principles gave explanations to this problem citation needed , and pointed out the flaws of the policy to limit the problems afflicting the world, which already takes for granted that nothing can change this world and that the dignity of men and women is not only an illusion for those who should promote the capacity building of human beings.
His opposition to relaxing the requirement of celibacy for priests, especially after pressure from many groups before the scandals of some ministers in various countries. Which returns to the same internal criticism, nobody is forced to take this oath, and the church is not closed, nor is it exclusive of the priests, but it includes those who create free societies outside the church, which respects those who make your life a project to assist its semenajantes. Thus as a result, men and women who practice their faith without being part of a forced dogma.
The position of women within the Catholic Church: In its doctrinal side has reaffirmed the Catholic teaching that women can not be ordained and for its administrative and governance structure of the Church, formed entirely by ordered men not to have any women in any important position.


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