Chemi Culture
September 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
Neatly Simferopol district, with a. Kropotkin Nizhnegorsky district and many others. The dead are laid in an extended supine position with bent at the knees or, more rarely, in the crouched position on their side and usually sprinkled with red ocher. Burial pit or coping wooden flooring. Not rich grave goods and monotonous. As a rule, pottery, bronze knives and awls, stone axes, arrowheads, knives and other products, bone awls, punches, pins. Sometimes Burial was accompanied by a wooden cart.
Another feature of the ceremony was the presence of funeral food. Often next to the remains of the deceased are animal bones – hence, lowered into the grave cuts of meat. Probably standing in the grave was filled with dishes and food, for example, milk or fat. Once poured over the grave mound, on top of it sometimes installed a statue. Flagstone ended with a projection that simulates the head. Relief showing facial features, hands, belt. Perhaps these statues depicting prominent members of the tribe.
Along with "yamnikami" in the Crimea were people who left Chemi-obinskuyu culture. Kemi-obinskaya culture (second half of III to AD) Along with "yamnikami" in the Crimea were people who left Chemi-obinskuyu culture. Its name comes from the mound near the Kemi-Oba Belogorsk. Other Chemi-obinskie burial studied in sec. Vilinov Bakhchisaray district, near the villages Pioneer and the Red Dawn Simferopol district. A feature of this culture is to use a special type of burial structures – stone boxes. These boxes consisted of a vertical set of plates, tightly fitting to each other, and covered from above the same plates.