The Past The Present And The Future Of The Education

September 10, 2015 | Uncategorized

First it is the nomadic time, when the first men had to hunt to the great animal to be able to eat. Surely they were organized in such a way that they could hunt to the animal. This experience contributed a certain knowledge that went away accumulating and it went of generation in generation. Who had the knowledge of the places where they were the prey and they knew the tools, they were those that had the power on the others. The second period was agriculture, in this man became sedentary, the work that it developed allowed that they settled down in a single place.

This brought many advantages since it gave rise to the discovery and the invention of many of the devices that used and did the most comfortable life to them. At this time the schools and the universities were created, but the knowledge was very restricted to the elites of the society with economic, military high level and monk. Who they had the earth and the knowledge were the really powerful ones. I arrive the industrial time where the machines moved to the man. This I create a deep crisis is that time.

This system caused the deep inequality between rich and the poor men. In this stage it increased the knowledge and in this way the institutions of education grew. Who they had the machines and the knowledge were only those that had the access to the power. This time arrives at its aim the 1960 with the arrival from the computer, to this period is called the era to him of the information, but this period finishes fast. The possessors of the computers became new the powerful ones that added to that already had something to be able, the rest of the humanity stayed in the industrial era or the other with respect to the type of education.


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