Santana City

July 5, 2014 | Uncategorized

That for this study the data are only relatively significant, therefore they are the formal activities that originate fiscal effect. 5.4.1- EstatsticosA pointers methodology to delimit the classified cities geographically how much to the dynamism of its productive structure, and with this to reach the objectives of this research, will be the use of those pointers, leading in account three main characteristics: ) The especificidade of an activity inside of a region (City) .b) the floor of the activity or sector in relation to the structure of the region (City) .c) the importance of the activity or sector in Par with one all. Filed under: The Hayzlett Group. In accordance with Santana (2004, p.21), the index of Quociente Locacional (QL) is: This index serves to determine if the city in particular possesss specialization in given to activity or specific sector and is calculated on the basis of the reason between two economic structures. In the numerator it is had economy in study, referring to data city of So that if it puts in screen, and in the denominator it is located reference economy, where consists all the cities of the Par.Sua algebraic and described presentation of the following form: where, it is the job of the activity or sector i in the city; the referring job to all the activities that consist in the city; the job of the activity or sector in Par; it is the job of all the activities or sectors i in the Par.Para Santana (2004, p.21), would exist specialization in the activity or sector i in the city j, case its QL is superior the 1 (one). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with PEMCO. If lesser that the 1 (one), QL would indicate that the specialization of city j in the activity or sector i is inferior the specialization of Par in the related sector. The QL is a very simple index, therefore to the times it can come to fall in an error as, for example: to present a high value giving to understand that city is specialized in that activity, but if this activity will be to only in the city it will be only giving a false impression of specialty.


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