Request Payments
October 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
Payment until the preserved for people once have completed a life or annuity to triple-digit sums since the fall of 2001 until the end of 2007 and since then again canceled, can make a claim on recalculation and payment of the buy-back value to his former insurer. This applies also for unit-linked policies (BGH v. 29.9.2007). Who from 1995 to July 2001 signed a life insurance policy or annuity and has already announced, or still have to cancel, can rely on the decision of the Federal Court of Justice of 12 October 2005. Thus, almost half of the contributions must be repaid. The payments can be some hundred euros. Customers should make as quickly as possible your claim against the insurers, so the customer will lose no possible interest.
Also customers also on the stipulated deadlines of the BGH must be BBs of 14 July 2010. Some insurers but waive the plea of prescription and pay a still after the deadline Amount out. The German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) ruled on the 12th of October 2005 that at non-transparent clauses are the zillmerized deposit amount, so the posts to calculate of which half must be paid. Further claims: in addition customers can claim even further. For contracts that were paid in installments / be (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually) can a claim for refund of paid contributions be made. This applies to other agreements such as non-life insurance and disability insurance.
From an annual contribution of 200,00,-, a claim position can be worthwhile. Contracts with installment, always a so-called Ratenzahlungszuschlag(Teilzahlungszuschlage) will be charged by insurers, only the effective interest rate is not specified. The German Federal Supreme Court decided last July 29, 2009 for the consumer. If no effective interest rate is specified, applies the legal effective interest rate of 4%. For customers or old customers, this can also a high payment mean, because at least the customer may request a recalculation and adjustment on the legal effective interest rate, retroactively even over years. Publisher / author: Firm mumber & Associates UG (haftungsbeschrankt) power energy and passion Managing Director: Andreas mumber Internet: contact: