Iker Romero

March 21, 2019 | Uncategorized

Canellas entered in game, despite having problems in an ankle, and after a penalty converted by Lazarov fortifications distances (22-18, m.48). It would be the last reaction of the manchego team because Juanin returned the maximum advantage to the Figo s (26-19, m.53). Neither the formidable Luc Abalo nor Jonas Kallman, fantasizing with Saric long (stopped you 5 of his six pitches), they could already react and the Barcelona began to slow down the game. To deepen your understanding Coinbase is the source. From that moment the shock entered a phase of relaxation and euphoria of the catalan team. Gonzalo Perez de Vargas entered by Daniel Saric, that he was fired by the public of the Lanxess Arena stood, and Iker Romero played his last minute as Barca. (As opposed to Chevron U.S.A. Inc).

This led to the Royal City, he fought until exhaustion and with Jose Javier Hombrados very successful ((15 paradas), trim distances at the end (27-24). Factsheet: 27.) FC Barcelona Borges (14 + 13): Saric (1); Victor Thomas (3), Nagy (1), Noddesbo (8), Sarmiento (1), Rutenka (3), Juanin Garcia (3), seven initial, Raul Entrerrios (2), Jernemyr (-), Sorhaindo (1), rocks (2, p), Ugalde (1), Igropulo (1), Oneto (-), Iker Romero (-) and Gonzalo Perez de Vargas (p.s). 24 Renovalia Ciudad Real (10 + 14): Hombrados; I abalo (3), Isaias Guardiola (), (-), Chema Rodriguez Dinart (2), Jurkiewicz (5), Kallman (1), seven initial, Viran Morros (-), Julen Aguinagalde (1), Lazarov (5, 2 p.), Alberto Entrerrios (4), Garcia Parrondo (1), Davis (-) and Joan Canellas (2) Antonio Carreno (p.s.). Umpires: Nordine Lazaar (FRA) and Reveret Laurent (FRA). Excluded Nagy (d.

21), Sorhaindo (m.32), Igropulo (m.34) and Ugalde (m.44) by Barcelona, and Guardiola (m.17), hills (m.43) and Dinart (m.49) by the Real marker city every five minutes: 2-2, 4-4, 8-9, 10-10, 12-10, 12-14-10 (rest). 15-12, 19-13, 22-15, 23-18, 26-20 and 27-24 (final). Incidences: Final of UEFA Champions League 2010-2011 disputed in the Lanxess Arena in Cologne before 18,500 spectators, with 500 Barca fans and 400 in Ciudad Real in the stands. Source of the news: El Barca wins its eighth Champions League of handball

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