Follow Many Years
July 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Spanish speech of the rumors of crossing. One is convinced that Blond Ricky " bien" will go to him; in the NBA. Pau Gasol, player of Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA, expressed its desire to continue the next season in the Californian set and trusted that the club does not accept the supplies that are going to arrive by him. In the act of presentation of the summer academy that takes its name in Alicante, Gasol talked about the possibility that has arisen to also saturate in the Minnesota Timberwolves, next to the Spanish Blond Ricky, but it recognized that it is not an option about which it thinks. " My desire is to follow with the Lakers. To know more about this subject visit Jeffrey Hayzlett. I do not have the control on that but I want to follow every year with the Lakers that can to choose to the championship the maximum years posibles" , it sentenced. Gasol admitted that the season of the set of the Staples Center has not been the successful thing that was expected, but considered that " for that reason it is not necessary to dismantle nada".
By that reason, it wished " that the club holds the pull by the supplies that haber" can; , a fact that did not hide that also him " halaga". " I do not have the control on that, but hopefully aos" can contribute to my sand grain to the Lakers many; , Gasol insisted, that was convinced that Blond Ricky " bien" will go to him; in its first year in the NBA, although " the adaptation process is not fcil". The one of Sant Boi admitted to have past bad moments after the critics received after the elimination of the Lakers in the eliminatory ones by the title, and was sorry that they were " unidireccionales" towards its person. " When we have won I have not received all the reconocimiento" , Gasol remembered, that, like positive reading, removed what " has been able; aprender" and to have given to account of certain things of the life and the sport. " That type of press has fed to me and it has filled to me of motivation.
It is not that it must demonstrate more because my race is quite successful, but I would like to be always in highest and following in the same line. It was a little while difficult but fuerte" has done me more; , it sentenced. On the other hand, a talked about the participation of the next Spanish selection in the European of Lithuania, for which Sergio Scariolo returns to the call of the technician. " We come to make a somewhat irregular championship in Turkey and people are with desire to make up for and to return high at the most. In addition, he is qualifying for the Olympic Games and is very especial" , she said. Retired in Spain In this sense, one also talked about to retirements of the national combined one of Jorge Garbajosa and lex Mumbr, of those who she remembered that " they are players who contribute their sand grain in the field, but outside are figures importantes" for the equipment. " One is going away to them to miss " , it declared, although it indicated that: " we have an equipment with much quality and hopefully we do not throw to them as much in falta". Source of the news: Gasol wants to follow many years in the Lakers and hopes that they do not accept supplies