Fixed Income

September 19, 2015 | Uncategorized

Previously, it appeared in first place, with 15 deep considered excellent ones. Ranking was elaborated by the RiskOffice and understands the period of June of 2004 the deep June of 2005.Os that they had had excellent classification are: Institucional Ita Referenciado DI Fl, Ita BB Performance Fixed Income FICFI, Institucional Ita Short term FICFI, Institucional Ita Derivative Multimercado FI, Ita Social Excellency WEAVES, Ita Flexprev XI the Income sandpapers FI, Ita Flexprev XI Fixed Income FI, Ita Flexprev XV Fixed Income FI, Itauprev Annuity Fixed Income F100 FI, Itauprev Classic Fixed Income F100 FI, Itauprev Master Fixed Income F100 FI, Itauprev Premium V 15 FI resulted Multimercado.O positive also can be explained by the interaction of some areas of asset, for the research work, for it disciplines of the team and for the daily and monthly meetings. ' ' Synergy between the areas provided the identification of scenes, as the high one of the tax of interests, and the choice of optimum type of investment and the ideal allocation of ativos' ' , it believes Fonseca.Em the first semester of this year the appositive one was in assets predetermined in reason of the high interests, as it explains the responsible one for the area of deep of derivatives and multimarkets. Marcello Siniscalchi. Also it had, in the deep ones of fixed income referenciados, the appositive one in Financial Letters of the Treasure (LFTs), that they are post-fixed, but had presented interesting discount, explains the executive of the Ita.Para responsible of changeable income and the small companies of the Ita, Walter Mendes, the success if it gave for a process of organized investment. Complete saying that the team had rightnesss, as appositive in small caps (action of second and third lines). ' ' These actions have little liquidity, but we bet that with the growth of the economy these companies would have good resultado' ' , it analyzes. .


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