
April 21, 2019 | Uncategorized

You adore a net social? He is in all or at least in most famous? Orkut, Facebook and Twitter? Therefore then pra arrived plus one to complete its list and better, paid you stop using it. Clearly! Of pra not to be rich, but guarantees good ones changed. It is the Klikot, the social net that promises to remunerate its participants. It is this same that you read! Klikot is a new social net, based in the beginning of that a community must be awardee for its contributions. The company distributes the profits of advertising with its participants, who are who effectively produce any content inside of a social net. The prizes in money that the Klikot of to its members is in accordance with its contributions inside of the social net, taking in consideration diverse factors as, for example, the profit sharing of the friends who to indicate, that is, number of users that if they register in cadastre in the Klikot by means of invitation its and the frequency of usability that this new user makes in the Klikot, as well as the number of new members that if also register in cadastre in the Klikot in result to the invitations made for its guests and for the guests of these its invitations (being able to be up to 5 levels). Another factor that counts sufficiently in the profits is the quality and amount of upload of contents that if it publishes in the social net.

Therefore, the more content will be produced and the more visits the user will have, more money will go to accumulate in its account. To have an idea he has user that already he accumulated 600 dollars almost. But if they exist skeptical of planto, has as to take off its doubts. Scrap for the user in question is alone to send one directly, and then, to ask the respect. The Klikot functions of sufficiently similar form with the Orkut or Facebook. They contain albums of photos, space to leave scraps (messages), communities, applicatory, etc. Who is made familiar to the other social nets will not go to have difficulties with this new social net. Valley to stand out that to participate of the new social net is necessary to open an account in the PayPal, for then user to receive its money. he registers in cadastre myself


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