Extraordinary Summit

September 8, 2015 | Uncategorized

Only in the activity you will wish to live one hundred years. Japanese proverb Without no problem was realised the V Summit of the DAWN in Cuman in that the presidents of the countries integrate that it and assigned authorities they signed several agreements that they feed plus dynamics on this organization, who in spite of being just, has seted out to be dynamic and to be always arranged to confront the challenges, to take passage to projects, programs, actions that favor to him, they contribute with solutions that allow them to consolidate their strength of cooperation, helps and everything what he guarantees a solidarity favorable for its members. The presence as guests was thanked for, of the ministerial delegation of Ecuador headed by the chancellor Fander Falconi. President Chvez in opening emphasized that it thinks that the next Summit of the Americas must be the last one in that format. " Which Americas? " This summit was asked and assured that, the one of our towns, the one of the union of Latin America, must be our challenge, commitment and priority. Soon thus Latin America will speak of equal to equal with the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia. " Here there are two continents: the one of the north and the one of the south, and for us the one of the south is from Mexico for abajo" It emphasized that they must be united from the South to balance to the universe, project that the Member States of the Dawn are forced to make specific As it contributes the information of minci.gob.ve occurred to the welcome to the entrance like total member of the DAWN to San Vicente and the Granadinas. They emphasized the necessity of the establishment of a new international economic order Finalized with the approval of projects in the areas of culture, energy, sanitary registry of medecines and 10 projects in the sector foods.


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