Cultural Diversity

November 10, 2016 | Uncategorized

To read the first part Jose Vasconcelos: ” The culture generates progress and without her conducta” is not possible to demand of the towns any; moral. All the cultures, to its way, they contribute to the development of the region they do and it from his particular way to see universe. Some have a special attachment towards the Earth. Others are festive and glad like most of that in all the latitudes they reside to the border of the sea. Certain groups tesoneros and are become attached to the work in a point near the addiction. And, by all means, they do not lack who have gained the affection and the respect of his generation writing lines where the yellow butterflies abound and the magical realism of the events; or making houses in air; or enchanting to everything to everybody with the rythmical movements of its body; or filling of goals porteras of the opposites and sending the small ball over close. Or they do since it who are not musical recognized neither distinguished nor sport writers outside series, with the hard work and intelligence applied in favor of the well-being of the others.

Before all this wealth the capital commitment prevails to preserve it and to transfer it to the new generations so that these conserve it as well they enrich, it and they are part of its identity. Youth must to take control of the culture of its majors and to elevate it to new and higher summits, for own pride and from which there will be to come later. And the majors are incumbent the obligation to them to protect all this wealth by means of the best one of the methods: to share what we have. The writer and Cuban educator Jose Mart declared: we only can leave to our children roots and wings. The roots are important to reaffirm the identity and the commitment with the Earth. And the wings to conquer the world, small, but competitive and more and more and more universal. And being competitive and universal it arrives in day in which the local culture, if he is not strong, can yield to the attacks of globalisation and the attempts to uniform to all the towns in all the places. It is clear something: it is not only the extensive and full sea of history; no they are only our minerals; it is not solely the tourism which makes rich to the Caribbean.

Also it is it its cultural diversity. For that reason it is necessary to value it and to defend it. The culture is pride and is dignity. It is wealth and it is freedom, as it express Miguel de Unamuno: you do not proclaim the air freedom, but you give wings; the one not to think, but you give thought; The freedom that there is to give the town is the culture Leer the first part Alexander Rutto Martinez is a prestigious journalist and Colombian, tie writer like educational to several Colombian universities. She is author of four books and coauthor of other three in whom one approaches the subject of the leadership, the ethics and the Human Development. Frequently he is invitadocomo academic lecturer to congresses, forums and other events. Pngase in contact with him through corrreo or lla it to me to cellular 300 8055526.


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