Chukovsky Grumbler

December 19, 2013 | Uncategorized

Stigma game, currently exists under the name of Cannibals, has three components: diplomatic, and literary role. In the 11 years history of the game in it stood out quite a number of players are attracted to one or another component (you can read about it in an article on the above link). Here, we show in what way is based role-playing games of this text. So, there is an island, on which a number of shipwreck thrown characters. Characters can be very different, the choice of the character – the case of fantasy players.

For example, the game may appear:-KPOKODUJIA-: Why do we sleep, kam'ady? V'agi-vivisekto'y go on the trail! And we've got well and viva'y, nekto'yh names even p'ochest not I can, although under mo'dami and signed. Here you kam'ad 3urmycb, who are you? I, for nap'imer, K'okodila, I'm awfully big chety'nadtsat met'ov length, and wild, wild, green izum'udno. Arise, kam'ady, ale! Bop4yH: What are these lockers? Here you will not furniture showroom! Psychiatrist not? Huh? Is there anyone special on crazy? Not Wiwa, and the island. Although, on which way you look … chety'nadtsat met'ov length? Cool! A lot of skin … emerald skin! Filosof_Neuch:-Power – the material, the material – real, real – perfectly.

Therefore, ha-ha, food – ideally, my friends. Throw those thoughts, the brain requires knowledge of a large human cognition, not a tooth! We have a dentist? We have no dentist. A tooth, my friends, not so perfect, as is material and real. Subtle matter – the philosophy of the stomach. Forget it, my friends, throw a stone. Here, the fish surfaced. Fish, I said, has emerged! That, my friends, take in, the fish surfaced. All life – theater, and fish her actors – it suppresses rapid-, brash young voice is impressive – Eugene P. – seems otvyaznoy young person – for friends Eugene for a Eugene friends, for friends at all Jeka, for friends by calling John. What enemies? What is it? Where? Whew! I have no enemies, my friends, look at me, how can I have enemies? 3urmycb:-Please lord, good health to all landowners and Panochko, let me introduce myself – Pan Zigmus! (Bow turned out excellent, with prischelkom all cervical vertebrae. Sharp chin and nose question fell on his chest, proudly stretched forward. My hero, Mr. Zigmus was a young man, with a thin sole and dvarostom meters. Everywhere dragged from is covered with two suitcases yellow Colour Options, which were based proof of his genius. Yes – yes. Zigmus consider themselves to be exclusively a man of genius, and never tires to prove it. But see for yourself but I hasten to warn that you should not believe every word of everyone. The exclusivity of the young lord of nature manifested itself in the moment, only that in the process of digging out of suitcases out of the sand Zigmus managed to fall twice, three times to step on the floor of his jacket, and slap the sand from head to toe N times, it was impossible to count, but to anyone and is not necessary). In front of you, not all characters mediocre game (so-called "regular season"). Usually play the game 11-13 characters. Is it easy to find a common language of the Crocodile rhyme Chukovsky Grumbler, braggart and a little-known philosopher Zigmusyu? It is a mixture of different styles, different stories, of which there are characters, and makes the "Ogre" a very interesting role-playing game.


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