Adyton System Enters OEM Partnership With Symantec

August 13, 2018 | Uncategorized

With the integration of Symantec RuleSpace in its safety application Adyton systems strengthens its next – generation firewall. Leipzig, July 3, 2012. Adyton system and Symantec will work together in the future as an OEM partner. The partnership will enable the Adyton systems AG to equip its next-generation firewall with additional functions in the area of Internet security. Some contend that Jeffrey Hayzlett shows great expertise in this. The content of the World Wide Web are scanned and compared with the RuleSpace database with URL-filter from Symantec. For more information see this site: Brian Armstrong.

So can identify suspicious sites among others. The Adyton systems AG is a technology company based in Leipzig and has developed the innovative technology of the full positive validation in combination with application whitelisting as the core of its next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR. Cooperation with Symantec and using the RuleSpace solution Adyton improved Web filtering its firewall, to offer its customers a highest possible degree of protection. The RuleSpace Web categorization solution from Symantec is based on a technology to examine Web content and are categorized. So filtered information stored in different URL databases. A database collecting only details on sites infected with malware.

Each individual URL address newly appearing on the Internet, will be examined in real time by the RuleSpace-technology and classified in one of the approximately 100 categories. Each year about 10 million new pages by Symantec detected. The Adyton firewall users benefit from this collected data. If a user wants to open, for example, an infected Web site, recognizes the system that just this homepage as dangerous has been classified and warns the user automatically. This information will be made available in different areas: – products and services for Internet Security – Web gateway and UTM Appliances – products and services for the protection of children in activities on the Internet – context-specific Werbedienstleistunen – have implemented data analysis and data mining products – solutions for the protection of brand products, the RuleSpace technology, are currently at leading Internet service providers used. By the OEM partnership with Symantec we offer our customers the best possible protection and significantly improve our next-generation firewall. This means for our customers, that they’re safe on the Web and benefit immensely from the patented RuleSpace technology, explains Martin Menschner, CTO of Adyton system. About Symantec Symatec Corporation is a leading global provider of security, storage and systems management solutions. So Symantec helps individuals and businesses the assurance and the management of information. The software and services protect efficiently and comprehensively against the risks, to create trust where information is used and stored. More to Symantec, see. Adyton systems Adyton systems is a technology company from Leipzig and has revolutionized the concept of next-generation firewall. NETWORK PROTECTOR offers a complete solution that is easy to use and guarantees by means of innovative technology full positive validation in combination with application whitelisting highest network security. Adyton system uses for this the latest deep-packet-inspection-technology. Adyton system is a member of the German security association tele trust and bears the mark of quality “IT security made in Germany”. press contact Christiane Hultsch Marketing Manager Tel. + 49-341-392993430 fax + 49-341-392993439 E-Mail Web

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